Every Elebox sold includes EleClient.

EleClient is a powerful tool for administrating your device and can be done within any browser.

If your Elebox has just arrived and is not yet been setup.

  1. Plugin a compatible screen and plugin the included power cable.
  2. Turn on your Elebox.
  3. When the Elebox has fully booted up you will see a black screen notifying you that you need to login to continue. On this screen you will see a URL(e.g.
  4. Go to a computer and open a web browser(e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and type the address given in step 3 into the Address bar.
  5. You will then be asked to enter a username and password.(If you get a 404 Page not found error see below)
  • Username: admin
  • The password is the last 4 digits of your Elebox's serial number. You can find this on the sheet of paper included with your Elebox.
  • You will then be able to modify the following
    • Eleboards Login
    • Network Settings(Ethernet/Wi-Fi)
    • Device Password(This will change the password from being the last 4 digits of your serial number)
    • Sound Settings
    If your Elebox has been setup

    1. Login to your Eleboards account.
    2. Navigate to your Screens tab.
    3. Click on Manage Screen.
    4. At the bottom of the screen there should be a button called Administer Device.*
    5. If the button is there then click on it. Otherwise see below
    6. You will then be asked to enter a username and password.(Unless you have changed your password these will be)
    • Username: admin
    • The password is the last 4 digits of your Elebox's serial number. You can find this on the sheet of paper included with your Elebox.
  • You will then be able to modify the following
    • Eleboards Login
    • Network Settings(Ethernet/Wi-Fi)
    • Device Password(This will change the password from being the last 4 digits of your serial number)
    • Sound Settings

    If Administer Device is not showing up in your Manage Screen section this can be caused by the following and may have been set up this way by a network administrator. If you have a network administrator please contact them. Otherwise it may have been caused by the following.

  • You are not on the same network as your Elebox. Check with your network administrator.
  • Our records of where your device is located are out of date. You can scan your network for your device by going to http://devicefinder.eleboards.com

  • There is a Firewall setup between your computer and Elebox. This is most likely to have been setup by a network/system administrator.

  • If you have any issues that cannot be solved by a Network Administrator please submit a ticket.